Thread: Supper tonight
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Supper tonight

On Tue 17 Jun 2008 06:41:51p, Christine Dabney told us...

> On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 01:36:06 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>I have backslid, too, and it really ****es me off that I let it happen.
>>We're being very good at present and beginning to see results. There are
>>only two upcoming events that I *plan* to be bad. The first is the 4th

>>July, and the second is in late July for a dear friend's 90th birthday
>>party. I am baking the cakes and I never bake anything I don't eat. :-)
>>There will also be a goodly variety of "forbidden" foods. Then it's
>>immediately back on WW for us.

> I have been really bad lately too. And I didn't help it tonight by
> making a loaf of the bread from the Artisan bread book. It has been
> calling to me....

That loaf would probably call me to consume it entirely! Homemade bread
and I are not easily separated. :-)

> Maybe this summer we can help each other by posting some of the
> recipes that we are using...for weight loss, for healthy eating, etc.
> I have really become conscious of it in the last few days, with the
> death of Tim Russert. I know that eating healthily can only help
> me...

You have a great idea, but I confess to not being terribly inventive when
it comes to what we eat on WW. Mostly it's grilled well-seasoned chicken
and steamed and very lightly butter vegetables. This is where it gets
tricky, because of David's unwillingness to each much variety. Damn him!
There are tons of things I would/could make that qualify as low calorie,
low fat, and healthy, but you think he would eat them? Hell no. I have
probably at least 2 shelves of nothing but cookbooks that are for very
healthy food. I ask him to pick out recipes he would be willing to eat and
he comes up with zero. Alas!

> Christine

Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 06(VI)/17(XVII)/08(MMVIII)
If you associate with the wise, you
will become wise.