Supper tonight
On Tue 17 Jun 2008 06:49:34p, mequeenbe.nospam told us...
>> Saturday I get to pig out on tater salad after that it's back to low
>> untill I drop 20 lbs and after losing the 20 I'll try and stay medium
>> or South Beach for life. Damn it I hate when I let things slide.
>> --
>> The house of the burning beet-Alan
> Yeah, me too. I was going to gym almost every day, then caught a bad
> cold and almost as soon as I recovered, I had company for about a
> week. Saturday is going to be the beginning of gym day.
> OB: dinner tonite. leftover meatloaf sandwich & tabbouli.
> Harriet & critters (J J the world famous jack russell terrior, asleep
> under the computer desk; and Ms P K, the lady manx who rules the house
> and who will be getting her hunk of chicken liver tonite)
Can I come for the leftovers, Harriet? Two of my favaorites!
Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 06(VI)/17(XVII)/08(MMVIII)
Hail / Praise / Ia / **** / Grep / Eat
Eris / 'Bob' / Cthulhu / The
Conspiracy / Kibo / Spam