Thread: Supper tonight
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Default Supper tonight

Wayne Boatwright > wrote in

> On Tue 17 Jun 2008 06:41:51p, Christine Dabney told us...
>> On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 01:36:06 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
>> > wrote:
>>>I have backslid, too, and it really ****es me off that I let it
>>>happen. We're being very good at present and beginning to see
>>>results. There are only two upcoming events that I *plan* to be bad.
>>> The first is the 4th

> of
>>>July, and the second is in late July for a dear friend's 90th
>>>birthday party. I am baking the cakes and I never bake anything I
>>>don't eat. :-) There will also be a goodly variety of "forbidden"
>>>foods. Then it's immediately back on WW for us.

>> I have been really bad lately too. And I didn't help it tonight by
>> making a loaf of the bread from the Artisan bread book. It has been
>> calling to me....

> That loaf would probably call me to consume it entirely! Homemade
> bread and I are not easily separated. :-)
>> Maybe this summer we can help each other by posting some of the
>> recipes that we are using...for weight loss, for healthy eating, etc.
>> I have really become conscious of it in the last few days, with the
>> death of Tim Russert. I know that eating healthily can only help
>> me...

> You have a great idea, but I confess to not being terribly inventive
> when it comes to what we eat on WW. Mostly it's grilled well-seasoned
> chicken and steamed and very lightly butter vegetables. This is where
> it gets tricky, because of David's unwillingness to each much variety.
> Damn him! There are tons of things I would/could make that qualify
> as low calorie, low fat, and healthy, but you think he would eat
> them? Hell no. I have probably at least 2 shelves of nothing but
> cookbooks that are for very healthy food. I ask him to pick out
> recipes he would be willing to eat and he comes up with zero. Alas!
>> Christine


Roasted Cauliflower...seasoned with cury powder or taco seasoning or not,
raw or steamed/boiled cauliflower, green bean almondine, french cut green
beans, smoked red bell peppers (very nice), grilled zuccinni basted with
salad dressing, grilled large mushrooms also basted with salad dressing.
Green Salads with oil and vinegar or kraft ranch based dressings light on
tomatoes and onions, brocolli, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, Cukes and
diakon in vinegar with crushed red pepper flakes as a table condiment.
Mayo on anything that looks like it might need it. Hard cheeses, meat,
seafood, nuts, sunflower/pumpkin seeds, butter and eggs. Light on the
squashes like the zukes, spaghetti and the acorn squash. all the butter
you want, all the meat you want this what makes it work for me.

I spin chickens with thin citrus fruit slices under the skin a great
deal. This keeps me in the 20-ish grams in carb intake during the day.
So I lose about 5 lbs a month give or take. Stir fries are your friend
but the rice or noodles aren't.

But all this leaves me craving rice...hence the rice overload tonight, to
tide me over 6 months and the potato salad overload on Saturday.

Tomato, onion, squash, carrot, peas are all controlled substances and use
is restricted to a minimum. Any use of wheat, corn, rice and potatoes is
totally forbidden.

I use the free database downloadable from the usfda to keep me honest in
my carb count. And NO Snacking!


The house of the burning beet-Alan