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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default Fast Food Restaurants - Was Favorite Restaurant

"Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Virginia Tadrzynski" >
> : in
>> How many of you actually eat at fast food restaurants? I have gotten
>> to the point that if I stop at one in a pinch (blood sugar drops) to
>> grab something, I usually end up physically ill. The local ones
>> around me are McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy's, and not a one sits
>> well on my stomach. If I have to stop and eat something, I usually end
>> up at the WaWa (local convenience store) and get them to make me a
>> hoagie - costs less, tastes better, and doesn't make a nuisance of
>> itself. Their hoagies are vastly superior to Subway (also local)

> I avoid fast food but there have been times I've had to stop at them.
> Usually when traveling. I certainly don't make a point of going to them
> if I can avoid them. Except White Castle. I love them and crave them
> maybe 2x a year. Then I seek them out. I used to love McDonald's french
> fries but I can't stand them now. I've never had convenience store food.
> Those hot dogs rolling around on those spits for hours at a time turn me
> off.
> I don't mind Subway now and then. Are they considered fast food? I
> suppose so. They sure as hell don't qualify as deli food. Out of all of
> them, if I have to choose, I'll choose Burger King or I'll get a salad
> from McDonald's. This does not include my beloved White Castle's.
> Michael

I've never been a White Castle fan (oh, there are some Minnie-sodan's just floored by
this admission, I'm sure ;-) )...but my Dad would just about kill for a WC now and
then! Lol! A couple years ago, my parents, my daughter and I all travelled back to
Minnie Soda together, and he introduced my daughter to White Castles. Now, in my
experience, WC is one of those things you either love or you hate- no grey area. 3 of
those lil things later, it was safe to say she was gonna take after her Grandpa! ;-)
