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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Fast Food Restaurants - Was Favorite Restaurant

Michael "Dog3" said...

> "Nexis" > news >
>> I've never been a White Castle fan (oh, there are some Minnie-sodan's
>> just floored by this admission, I'm sure ;-) )...but my Dad would just
>> about kill for a WC now and then! Lol! A couple years ago, my parents,
>> my daughter and I all travelled back to Minnie Soda together, and he
>> introduced my daughter to White Castles. Now, in my experience, WC is
>> one of those things you either love or you hate- no grey area. 3 of
>> those lil things later, it was safe to say she was gonna take after
>> her Grandpa! ;-)

> I don't know what it is about those little belly bombers. They just

> me right in
> Michael

I've only had the box of frozen WC cheeseburgers and microwaving them with
no pickle or their noted brand of mustard I've heard of. I've been told
they're miles of difference apart from fresh.

I've met elders in the check-out lane who've commented, "I remember when
they were a dime," smiling at the box (thinking of simpler times).

I see a WC in Clifton, NJ but a day trip just for a few burgers isn't worth
the price of gasoline.
