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Virginia Tadrzynski Virginia Tadrzynski is offline
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Default Fast Food Restaurants - Was Favorite Restaurant

"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> Michael "Dog3" said...
>> "Nexis" > news >>
>>> I've never been a White Castle fan (oh, there are some Minnie-sodan's
>>> just floored by this admission, I'm sure ;-) )...but my Dad would just
>>> about kill for a WC now and then! Lol! A couple years ago, my parents,
>>> my daughter and I all travelled back to Minnie Soda together, and he
>>> introduced my daughter to White Castles. Now, in my experience, WC is
>>> one of those things you either love or you hate- no grey area. 3 of
>>> those lil things later, it was safe to say she was gonna take after
>>> her Grandpa! ;-)

>> I don't know what it is about those little belly bombers. They just

> reeled
>> me right in
>> Michael

> I've only had the box of frozen WC cheeseburgers and microwaving them with
> no pickle or their noted brand of mustard I've heard of. I've been told
> they're miles of difference apart from fresh.
> I've met elders in the check-out lane who've commented, "I remember when
> they were a dime," smiling at the box (thinking of simpler times).
> I see a WC in Clifton, NJ but a day trip just for a few burgers isn't
> worth
> the price of gasoline.
> Andy

There used to be a White Castle at Franklin Mills in Northeast Philly, but
alas, they were closed. Don't know why.