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Dimitri Dimitri is offline
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Default Fast Food Restaurants - Was Favorite Restaurant

"Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote in message
> How many of you actually eat at fast food restaurants? I have gotten to
> the point that if I stop at one in a pinch (blood sugar drops) to grab
> something, I usually end up physically ill. The local ones around me are
> McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy's, and not a one sits well on my stomach.
> If I have to stop and eat something, I usually end up at the WaWa (local
> convenience store) and get them to make me a hoagie - costs less, tastes
> better, and doesn't make a nuisance of itself. Their hoagies are vastly
> superior to Subway (also local)
> -ginny


In-N-Out - anything on the menu
Tommy's (LA Area) Cheeseburger grilled onions or the chili cheese dog
Mickey Dee's - Double cheeseburger & Coffee only (during lent Fillet of
fish) Big Mac's repeat on me. Hic, excuse me.
Burger King - Junior Whopper (no cheese)
Jack-In-the-box - Jumbo Jack
Wendy's - (almost never maybe 6 years ago)
Subway - Junk
Quiznos - See Subway
Panda Express - anything on the menu
Sonic N/A
Hardies N/A
New Big Boy Franchise (junk)

Old Scoundrel

(AKA Dimitri)