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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Lemons, Limoncello and Lemon Curd

Tracy > wrote in news:g3bf2i$64q$1

> I finally got my hands on enough lemons to make limoncello. The peels
> are sitting in a jug of Everclear right now.
> I squeezed the lemons and stuck the juice in the fridge until I could
> figure out/decide what to do with it. Last night I made lemon curd with
> some of the juice and it turned out fantastic. I used a method I found
> online where you just cream the sugar and butter, add the eggs, the
> lemon juice and zest and heat over medium heat until thickened. No

> no straining. Awesomely easy.
> I still have some juice left over so I might make some lemon bars or I
> just might freeze it for something later this summer.
> I was thinking of using the curd in some kind of layer cake. Anyone do
> this? Any suggestions besides just eating the stuff?
> Tracy

Take a sheet of phyllo, brush on butter on both sides and lightly
sprinkle with brown sugar on one side....repeat 3 up to 5 times brown
sugar facing up, stack the sheets... cut pastry into triangles and bake
the phyllo. Put on a thickish layer of curd on a triangle top with
another triangle. Now here comes the tricky with whipped cream
or merang..if using merang dig out the blow torch and lightly toast it if
you like.

You can use thinner layers of curd and stack the triangles so that a
finished dessert has 2 or 3 layers of curd. But always top it with the
merang or whipped cream.

Or just put a layer of sheets in a purdy baking dish, then the curd etc
and cut it when you serve and to hell with the triangles.

Get several graham waffer crackers and make lemon curd mini sandwiches.

Have you never heard of lemon pie?

Puff pastry shells...fill them, put the lid back on. Whipped cream is an

But you were looking for an option other than just eating....It might
clean silverware...I'm not sure as I eat mine.


The house of the burning beet-Alan