Thread: Soy milk
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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default Soy milk

"cybercat" > wrote in message
> Thought I would try this as a coffee creamer, and, well, it takes so much to
> lighten the coffee, it winds up cold.
> Those of you who use it, what do you use it for?
> And is anyone concerned about the plant estrogens in soy?

For a while, my husband was using it in his iced drinks (latte, etc) because he has
some problems with dairy, but now we switched to a different drink so we don't use it
at all anymore. My brother has a son who can't have dairy, and they tried soy milk
for a while, but he didn't like it, so they've switched to rice milk for him.

Not very helpful, was I? ;-)

And no, we never worried about the plant estrogens in soy milk.
