Thread: New Gas Chazzer
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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default New Gas Chazzer

On Jun 18, 9:29�pm, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> Sheldon > �news:add9cece-c3f4-46d0-85a9-37713539183f@
> in
> > Nancy, you are definitely the exception... the vast majority I've
> > experienced do the constant $20 withdrawels... I've been out to eat
> > with people who when the check comes have to dash out of the
> > restaurant to hunt for an ATM (my brother who drives a new high end
> > Mercedes every year, never has any cash).

> Out of curiosity... doesn't your brother carry a credit card with him as
> well as his debit card? �I've always got both with me... just in case. My
> withdrawal limit for my debit card is $900 a day. If I'm going out or to an
> even I'll stop at the ATM and make a cash withdrawal. When dining out I'll
> use my credit card. �I never have any cash on me, just like your brother
> but when I'm going out I've always got enough cash. If not, I charge it.

How can I put it delicately... my brother is very strange, about
everything... at 61 years old he finally came out of the closet to me
that he's ***, like I didn't know that queer aflac duck was a fruit
since I was like ten years old... imagine a grown adult living a lie
so many years. And I'm very angry at him for hiding from me all that
time so they we couldn't have any kind of honest relationship... what
a shit he is. When he told me (on the phone, the wuss) that he's been
living with his partner for 16 years, so when I asked him to introduce
us he says, aren't you rushing things... WHAT, for16 ****ing years the
faggot douchbag thinks he's been hiding, does the moron think at our
age we should wait another 16 years. That's why I detest homos, they
are the most phony dishonest assholes on the planet... I haven't met
one yet that has a backbone. And neither do I trust anyone who lives
the ATM lifestyle.. it's just a smarmy way to get out of paying. I do
green money and I don't trust anyone who does monopoly money; PINS are
all monopoly money.