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Vilco[_1_] Vilco[_1_] is offline
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Default My outside wood oven

Giusi wrote:

>> Isn't it amazing to use a centuries old oven the way it has been
>> built for?
>> --
>> Vilco - damn envious

> Yes it really is. I ask everyone for details, because people were
> still using this in the 60s. It took a foreigner to decide getting
> it back together was worth the trouble, but then until I made the
> garden there, it was a nasty cornfield, so I guess it wasn't so
> tempting to spend the day out there cooking and eating.

Here those ovens are left unused since the time period you said, in the
sixties, when even the last rural families left the famrlands and went to
the city. Now some of them are getting back in use thanks to Food & Wine
Festivals as "Cantine Aperte" (open wineyards), which has been the reason
one of these ovens got back in use hereabouts. They use it during the event
to bake bread they roll "in bellavista"

> Shall I invite you when we do the big cook off? Pandora should come as
> well.

WOW! This is a very a nice idea, and it's very kind of you, too!
Umbria is a 3 hours drive from here, I really hope we can arrange for this
cook off. I could find a location near there and spend a couple of days in
that heavenly region. And, if the stars align correctly (crossing fingers),
I could get there with my old-new-old girlfriend: she's a foodie, too. Or..
better: she's more of an oenophile but she likes baking, too.
Where in Umbria are you located? I checked the webpage you linked just for
the oven and didn't look for other infos since I'm at work, but I'll be
checking it better this evening.
And.. thanks!!
BTW - where's Pandora? I'll email her right now.
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