Thread: New Gas Chazzer
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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default New Gas Chazzer

"Michael \"Dog3\" wrote:
> Sheldon writes:
> > How can I put it delicately... my brother is very strange, about
> > everything... at 61 years old he finally came out of the closet to me
> > that he's ***, like I didn't know that queer aflac duck was a fruit
> > since I was like ten years old... imagine a grown adult living a lie
> > so many years. �And I'm very angry at him for hiding from me all that
> > time so they we couldn't have any kind of honest relationship... what
> > a shit he is. �When he told me (on the phone, the wuss) that he's been
> > living with his partner for 16 years, so when I asked him to introduce
> > us he says, aren't you rushing things... WHAT, for16 ****ing years the
> > faggot douchbag thinks he's been hiding, does the moron think at our
> > age we should wait another 16 years. �That's why I detest homos, they
> > are the most phony dishonest assholes on the planet... I haven't met
> > one yet that has a backbone. �

> Your brother made the decision to keep his sexual orientation from you.
> That was HIS decision to make. Like it or not, you have no control over
> your brother's life. He lied to you but that doesn't mean he's living a
> lie. �

Of course he's living a lie, he has never even once told the truth
about anything his entire life, from dumping hi spaper delivery down
teh sewer, to stealing clothes from a haberdahery by wearing thyem
under his clothes, to his charlatan marriage... in fact he was married
to a woman for ten years, even made a child, and all the time sneaking
around having affairs with various *** males... when his wife found
out she divorced him. But their poor son is a mental wreck from his
lying. Michael, you haven't a clue what lying is nor do you care who
it hurts... typical self centered ***.

He has his reasons for not telling you and not allowing you to
> share his life.

That's called secretiveness and the resultant embarrassment for lying.

If you have the same attitude in RL as you do online, I
> can understand why. � I think you're full of shit. �You're just ****ed
> off at your brother and taking it out on gays in general.

Do you really believe follks have the same persona in RL as they do
online... you're a naive newbie... those who are super polite goody
two shoes on line you can be sure behave exactly opposite in RL.

Lying and defending lying is the thing all gays seem to do well,
you've made my point. My brutal HONESTY seems to really **** up your
twisted *** thinking head... thank you for agreeing with me, that
gayness is a license to lie. There is no way to have an honest
relationship with a liar... I'm positive yours is a sham.

> > And neither do I trust anyone who lives the ATM lifestyle.. it's just a
> > smarmy way to get out of paying. �

> <snort> WTF is the "ATM lifestyle"? I don't see how it's a smarmy way to
> get out of paying when it comes directly from my checking account. Again,
> you are full of shit.
> > I do green money and I don't trust anyone who does monopoly money; PINS
> > are all monopoly money.

> LOL... Sometime you crack me up.

So you think being a goniff/ganef is funny.

The ATM lifestle means not carrying *cash*... I'm positive you're a
schnorrer. it's uncomfortable going out with someone who always
needs to borrow a few bucks because it's inconvenient to use plastic
for trivial money... and having to split a tab when one dude uses
business-like plastic robs the enjoyment from what would otherwise be
a friendly informal social gathering... and even worse are those
plastic *******s who make a spectacle of collecting everyone's cash
and then paying the total amount with their card, so they can reap a
windfall by submitting it as a business expense... as bad as lying, is
stealing. You wanna pay my share with your plastic, then go right
ahead, but then it's your treat, keep your plastic fingers off my
cash. Sure plastic is convenient, for those con artists who don't
want to pay. You can rationalize it however you like but using
plastic in social occasions is low class, it's patently dishonest in
every way possible, including to the relationship... and so is lying.
I'd much rather socialize with those few who respect my brutal honesty
than those many who respect your brutal dishonesty. Those who lie
steal, and there is no honor in either. I know from reading your
posts that you haven't the slightest concept of the meaning of
truthfulness... lying is so ingrained into the *** psyche you don't
even know you're lying. Gays lie because they are so racked with
insecurity by their own feelings of inferiority that lying/embelishing/
exaggerating is the only way they can lift themselves... and lying by
the sin of omission (secretiveness) is the worst, most hurtful kind of
lie there is.