Questions about clay ovens?
Steve wrote on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 19:20:00 +0000 (UTC):
>> My advice on the use of Coal, is 'DON'T'. I suspect that the
>> resulting flavour would be be filfthy - I tried peat bricks
>> just the once.
>> Don't Go There. Just rehabilitate your taste buds.
> There's a well-known pizza place in Manhattan called John's
> that makes coal-fired pizza. The flavor is not bad at all.
> Historically lots of New York City bakeries and pizzerias used
> coal, but it's pretty uncommon now.
There's no reason (apart from pollution considerations) not to heat an
oven with coal. After all, many were less than half a century ago but
the food was not exposed to the smoke.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
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