New Gas Chazzer
"Michael \"Dog3\" wrote:
> Sheldon wrote
> > Of course he's living a lie, he has never even once told the truth
> > about anything his entire life, from dumping his paper delivery down
> > the sewer, to stealing clothes from a haberdashery by wearing them
> > under his clothes, to his charlatan marriage... in fact he was married
> > to a woman for ten years, even made a child, and all the time sneaking
> > around having affairs with various *** males... when his wife found
> > out she divorced him. �But their poor son is a mental wreck from his
> > lying. �
> Well Sheldon, you could have added that information in the OP. Yes, he is
> far less than stellar in his behavior.
I accept responsibility. I should not have brought a personal issue
to this newsgroup... even though others do regularly I rarely do
because it's not the place. When I have more time I will reply to you