My outside wood oven
Giusi wrote:
>>> What is Eye - talian for "pickle hat"...???
>> I only know French (*******ized at that): Chapeau du cornichon. "-)
> Vilco can correct if there really is a vernacular term for it, but
> straight trandaltion "capello di sott'aceto" would be my guess.
Yes, almost correct. The fact is, are pickles only under vinegar? If so,
then "cappello di sottaceto" or "cappello da sottaceto" or "cappello a
(forma di) sottaceto" would be perfect. But if pickles can be made with oil,
also, than one would have to choose between "cappello a sottolio" and
"cappello a sottaceto"... Who knows? Anyway, almost all of the pickle hats I
saw (in pictures, obviously) were cucumber shaped, so one could call them
"cappello a certiolo" (cucumber shaped hat).
Mai guardare Trailer park Boys senza
qualcosa da bere a portata di mano