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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Before a meal...

cybercat wrote:

>> I remember a recent discussion about wine recommendations to accompany
>> crab cakes and coconut rice; the conversation was pre-empted by one
>> poster who kept saying that the suggested wines would be inappropriate
>> (too sweet) because they didn't meet HER tastes -- even though she was
>> not the original poster and her tastes were not the ones which needed to
>> be met.

> Yeah, that was me, asswipe. How am I supposed to know the "tastes" of the
> OP? The OP obviously did not know his "tastes" or he would not have posted
> the question. I did grtow up in Maryland, and have eaten much blue crab.
> And it was blue crab the OP was using.

Growing up in Maryland and eating lots of blue crab does not automatically
confer any knowledge of wine, crab-louse. The question was about wine, and
your tastes are most decidedly NOT those of the general public. Why should
people assume that the OP's guests had tastes which were as off-kilter as

> What happened was, others posted immediately that they thought a sweet
> German wine, such as Alsace or Gewurtztraminer would be very nice. The
> thought turns my stomach, still.

Yah-shure-what-the-****-ever. Nobody cares now. That's why I didn't mention
you specifically in what I wrote previously.

> Sure, it's a matter of personal taste. Mine did not differ from that of
> the OP, who had no opinion or would not have posted the question, right?

Did you THINK before you wrote that last sentence? How do you assume that if
someone expresses no opinion, then his or her opinion must agree with yours?
That's stupid. Do you also assume that undecided voters are all going to
vote for the same candidate you favor?

> Mine differed from that of the dickweeds who thought sweet wine
> complements crab.

Let's just re-word that more appropriately: Your bizarre and alcohol-centric
tastes differed from those better-informed people who posted the opinions of
acknowledged wine experts, and for some inane reason you took that

> Maybe you meant to say that MY personal tastes differed from that of many
> of your widdle fwends, even those who said that "such and such an expert
> always said that sweet wine is best with crab."

Maybe you meant to say that you are a ****ing idiot who is unable to
recognize the validity of the opinions of others.

> You need a nice superhero suit with SSM on the front.
> Supercilious Sanctimonious Man.

Thank you for openly applauding my superiority. You may go now.
