> ha scritto nel messaggioOn Jun 20, 12:01?am, "modom
(palindrome guy>
> I for one have observed Juneteenth annually as a part of my American
> heritage for decades. ?The white v black presumption is bogus and only
> serves to perpetuate divisiveness among our people. >
As long as Blacks insist on having separate holidays for just
themselves and as long as there's groups like the NAACP, the ACLU, The
United Negro College Fund, etc. and as long as there's affirmative
action there's going to be divisiveness between Blacks and Whites.
It's the Blacks who are the cause of the divisiveness between Blacks
and Whites.
You need an attitude adjustment. You are aware that if someone infringes
YOUR civil rights, the ACLU will fight the case for you? I guess black
people should just shut up and take whatever falls from the table?