Giusi wrote:
> > ha scritto nel messaggioOn Jun 20, 12:01?am, "modom
> (palindrome guy>
>> I for one have observed Juneteenth annually as a part of my American
>> heritage for decades. ?The white v black presumption is bogus and only
>> serves to perpetuate divisiveness among our people. >
> As long as Blacks insist on having separate holidays for just
> themselves and as long as there's groups like the NAACP, the ACLU, The
> United Negro College Fund, etc. and as long as there's affirmative
> action there's going to be divisiveness between Blacks and Whites.
> It's the Blacks who are the cause of the divisiveness between Blacks
> and Whites.
> You need an attitude adjustment. You are aware that if someone infringes
> YOUR civil rights, the ACLU will fight the case for you? I guess black
> people should just shut up and take whatever falls from the table?
It wasn't too long ago that the ACLU went to court to protect a Ku Klux
Klan rally's right to march and protest. The ACLU is a PITA to most of
us but occasionally they do something right.