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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Default Dinner tonight. Inspired by Gordon Ramsey.

Hells Kitchen did a segment where the wannabe chefs had to make a meal out
of leftovers.

I had the same dilemma tonight.

I had a corn fed chook, some mushrooms, some potatos, some left over rice,
some capsicums I picked from my mates vege patch, a can of tomato soup that
needed to be gone........ and some herbs (from my mates place :-)

Used them all.

Description and pics to come.......... when I'm not so damn tired.

Peter Lucas

The path of a warrior never deviating,
one has to become not just a part of nature
but a force of nature,
acting in accordance with the laws of the universe.
(Getsumei No Michi, the Moonlit Path)