Thread: Soy milk
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maxine in ri maxine in ri is offline
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Default Soy milk

On Jun 18, 3:08 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
> Thought I would try this as a coffee creamer, and, well, it takes so much
> to lighten the coffee, it winds up cold.
> Those of you who use it, what do you use it for?
> And is anyone concerned about the plant estrogens in soy?

I use it in my morning cereal instead of milk, and in baking when
dairy products are not advisable (too many kids these days are lactose
intolerant, etc.) I won't use the soy cheeses, but have used tvp,
altho someone sent me an article from "Mothering" magazine from 2004
that told of all the horrors that soy can cause if used in our diets.
It's full of toxins, don'tcha know.

Except in the last 4 years, I haven't seen much that backs up the
claims they made.

maxine in ri