Back .... away ... from the Microwave Ovens, People!
On Fri 20 Jun 2008 10:18:30a, Lou Decruss told us...
> On Thu, 19 Jun 2008 01:25:03 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>On Wed 18 Jun 2008 11:04:29a, hahabogus told us...
>>> Lou Decruss > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> Alan seems very nice and polite, but his cooking tips usually seem to
>>>> be rather scarry. I don't care for southern style corn bread, but
>>>> even northern style would be rather nasty in a nukker.
>>>> Lou
>>> Well then there's only one thing to do then isn't there...plonk.
>>Now, boys.....
> but but but...I started with a compliment!!! <laugh> He's the one
> who turned baby......
>>I'm sure that must be some dish that each of us makes that most or some
>>other people wouldn't like.
>>Just because I say I don't like something prepared a certain way does not
>>imply criticism of the person who made it. It's a matter of preference.
> Ain't that the truth. Except for cyber-stench.
> Lou
Yes, there is that. :-)
Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 06(VI)/20(XX)/08(MMVIII)
Use your wit to amuse, not abuse nor
confuse the stupid.