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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Color coordinated kitchen "stuff"?

Wayne Boatwright said...

> On Fri 20 Jun 2008 10:06:32a, Andy told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>> On Fri 20 Jun 2008 09:49:05a, Andy told us...
>>>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>>>> On Fri 20 Jun 2008 09:10:11a, Andy told us...
>>>>>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>>>>>> On Thu 19 Jun 2008 08:53:08a, Andy told us...
>>>>>>>> Are your appliances color coordinated?
>>>>>>>> I bought a cobalt blue kitchen aid mixer for it being my favorite
>>>>>>>> color, that didn't match the kitchen or other appliances.
>>>>>>>> You r.f.c-ers got kitchen color coordinated "STUFF"???
>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>> Are you kidding? I have black major appliances, a white KA mixer,

>>>>>>> black coffee maker, blue Le Creuset cookware, and 13 colors of

> Fiesta
>>>>>>> Ware, including pitchers and such that are not inside cabinets.
>>>>>>> IMHO, a kichen that contains nothing but one color of everything is
>>>>>>> sterile and uninviting to cook in.
>>>>>> Wayne,
>>>>>> Don't shoot!
>>>>>> Just was wondering.
>>>>>> Now if ya wanna go on and talk recipes, well cancel color and insert
>>>>>> flavor!
>>>>>> What's for lunch?!?
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Andy
>>>>> Yep, IMO, color takes 2nd place to flavor when it comes to food.
>>>> Wayne,
>>>> So, again I ask... WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?!?
>>>> What's a hungry BUM!!! gotta do to sit down to an Arizona lunch!??
>>>> Got lettuce!
>>>> Andy
>>>> Hungry BUM!!!
>>> I probably won't be eating lunch today, Andy. I was way bad yesterday
>>> because of a retirement party at work. It was catered by one of the

> best
>>> Mexican restaurants in Phoenix, and I wasn't about to pass it up. LOTS
>>> of food!
>>> Dinner will be spare, too. Grilled chicken breast and veggies. :-(

>> Wayne,
>> Congrats on your retirement!!! If I had a gold watch...
>> Best,
>> Andy

> It wasn't *my* retirement, damn it. I wish it was!


So, the band plays on?!?

