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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Default Hm maybe cook books were a waste of $

On Thu, 19 Jun 2008 17:43:49 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>jmcquown wrote:
>> As someone else suggested, I'd be looking at the library to give
>> cookbooks a test drive before I spent a bunch of money on them. But I
>> also just like reading cookbooks, too. Maybe you and I are weird that
>> way (but I really don't think so!)
>> Jill

>I've been known to spend copious amounts of time at bookstores,
>writing down the names of recipe that interest me, and if there
>are several in a book, I have to buy the book. Or perhaps I will
>see some other compelling reason to buy it.
>I used to buy the book if there was ONE good recipe--and sometimes
>it was only one inadvertently. I'd flip the book open to a
>great-sounding recipe, decide I'd have to get the book, and then
>discover that was the ONLY good recipe in the whole book. After
>doing that many times, I have become more careful.

I buy very few cookbooks at retail price. Resale stores and yard
sales are loaded with them. Louise goes to them all the time and has
an idea of what I like. Usually they're 50 cents or a dollar. I cull
through them at my leisure and keep a few but most get re-donated.
When we moved last year I got rid of a few hundred. We put them in
the trunk and wherever we went our friends could look through them and
take what they wanted. After a few weeks we dropped the leftovers off
at our favorite charity resale store. Recycling is a good thing.
I've got a stack of about 50 in the basement ready for recycling.
