On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:20:19 -0400, Kenneth
> wrote:
>On Thu, 19 Jun 2008 22:29:12 -0700 (PDT), "
> wrote:
>>On Jun 20, 12:01?am, "modom (palindrome guy>
>>> I for one have observed Juneteenth annually as a part of my American
>>> heritage for decades. ?The white v black presumption is bogus and only
>>> serves to perpetuate divisiveness among our people. ?It is time that
>>> we emancipate ourselves of such limited thinking. ?Be free!
>>As long as Blacks insist on having separate holidays for just
>>themselves and as long as there's groups like the NAACP, the ACLU, The
>>United Negro College Fund, etc. and as long as there's affirmative
>>action there's going to be divisiveness between Blacks and Whites.
>>It's the Blacks who are the cause of the divisiveness between Blacks
>>and Whites.
>Apparently you are concerned about affirmative action in its
>present form, and that is certainly a legitimate opinion.
>But I would like to know if you are equally concerned about
>the affirmative action that advantaged white folks in the
>U.S. from the dawn of its founding to the present?
>Many thanks,
i guess he figures two wrongs don't make a right.
your pal,