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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Making home made pesto question

On Thu 19 Jun 2008 06:44:32p, sf told us...

> On Thu, 19 Jun 2008 17:08:01 -0500, Janet Wilder
> > wrote:
>>Anthony Ferrante wrote:
>>> On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 07:45:25 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
>>> > wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> Anthony Ferrante > wrote:
>>>>> I usually buy Classico pesto in a jar, but I have been thinking of
>>>>> making it fresh. Is there that much of a taste difference to warrant
>>>>> the time and trouble to make it?
>>>>> Anthony
>>>> Yes, there is a difference and if you have a blender or a food
>>>> processor it doesn't take much time and it's no trouble to make
>>>> fresh.
>>> Ok, I am sold. Everyone seems to say using a food processor is the way
>>> to go. Can you or someone recommend a decent, yet small, food
>>> processor that would meet the needs of one person?
>>> Thanks in advance for your help and to all who responded with
>>> suggestions.
>>> Anthony

>>Cuisinart makes the "Little Pro Plus". You can find it for around $100
>>or less if you shop carefully. It has a fully-powered motor, the usual
>>assortment of blades/disks and is wonderful for a single person or a
>>small family. Mine is pretty ancient (1995) but it came with a chute for
>>the disks that allows you to process more than the small bowl can hold
>>and a juicer attachment. I have had it for 13 + years and use it at
>>least 3 times a week. It does everything a 'grown up-sized' processor
>>can do, but it's smaller.

> I made a little pesto in a large cuisanart last night. It was fast &
> easy. The clean up was easy too. That was at my daughter's place.
> Obviously her Cusinart is a lot newer than mine. Holy cow, it was a
> whole lot quieter! Now I wish mine would die, so I'd have a good
> excuse to buy a new one.

Gotta sledge hammer? You could kill it!

Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 06(VI)/20(XX)/08(MMVIII)
Cat philosophy: It doesn't hurt to ask
for what you want.