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flitterbit flitterbit is offline
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Default Lemons, Limoncello and Lemon Curd

Tracy wrote:
> flitterbit wrote:
>> Tracy wrote:
>>> flitterbit wrote:

>>>>> I was thinking of using the curd in some kind of layer cake. Anyone
>>>>> do this? Any suggestions besides just eating the stuff?
>>>>> Tracy

>> I didn't use gelatin, but then I wasn't transporting the cake, it was
>> being eaten the same day it was prepared, and the curd recipe
>> contained cornstarch as a thickener. Also, I refrigerated the filled
>> cake, so between the refrigeration and the cornstarch in the curd
>> itself, I didn't have a problem with ooziness.

> I plan to refrigerate overnight - to help with the ooziness.
>>> I am thinking a spongy cake brushed with a little liqueur (raspberry
>>> maybe), then the curd filling then some kind of frosting/icing.

>> That sounds nice! The cake recipe I used was from a cookbook called
>> "Rosie's Bakery All-Butter, Fresh Cream, Sugar-Packed Baking Book";
>> the same cake layers also make a very nice Boston Cream Pie

> I am familiar with that book. There is a Rosie's bakery practically
> right around the corner from where I work....
> I am not a big fan of Boston Cream Pie. I am not sure why though. I
> like cake, I like the custard filling and I like chocolate. I just don't
> like them all together. BUT...I do like eclairs. Go figure.
> Thanks for your help!
> Tracy

I bet it's the same Rosie; if I remember correctly, there was a blurb at
the beginning about the bakery. Nummy stuff in that book

Re Boston Cream Pie, I like it, but I confess to liking
lemon-curd-filled yellow cake, with or without frosting, even better

You're most welcome; I'm sure your cake is going to be a huge success!