Thread: Birthday meals
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Default Birthday meals

On Jun 18, 8:40 pm, sandi > wrote:

> Just curious if any of the US chain restaurants offer
> free birthday meals any more?
> I've heard of the birthday free eats but have never had a one
> myself.

Some of the local Mexican joints would offer a free meal to the
birthday-body where I used to live.

I have yet to find a place that didn't offer a free dessert or
libation of your choice when they found out there's a birthday at the
table. Of course, such perks come with a price -- like the staff
singing their own bizarre version of the birthday song.

Funny story ... Had some friends that the husband would find a way to
tell the staff it was his wife's birthday wherever they dined. Of
course, red faced and fuming she would deny it was her birthday, but
he would insist that she was just modest and please help them
celebrate. They got a lot of free stuff that way. As fun as he was to
be around, I'm glad I'm not married to him!

--Lin (Just don't make me wear the stupid hat!)