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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Speaking of Countertops (WAS: Color coordinated kitchen "stuff"?)

Wayne Boatwright > wrote:

>On Fri 20 Jun 2008 08:45:11p, sf told us...

>> On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 14:49:59 -0700 (PDT), merryb >
>> wrote:

>>>Have you ever dropped Corelle on your tile floor? For something that's
>>>suppossed to be unbreakable, it's surprising how many thousands of
>>>shards of glass you have to clean up!

>> I've heard that before... why stick with Corelle when other dinnerware
>> is so much prettier?

>Under most circumstances, they are relatively unbreakable. I don't have a
>set of Corelle, but I do have multiple plain Corelle fruit bowls that I use
>to feed out five cats when they're served canned food. I don't like
>feeding them out of metal or plastic containers.

As I child I was curious about the claim that a Corelle item
would not break when dropped with normal force. I dropped a cereal
bowl on the floor from shoulder height several times, and it did not
break in the slightest. Then, I dropped it on-edge, and it
shattered into hundreds if not thousands of pieces. So I would
say it is a reasonably strong, very brittle material.

My mom was not impressed with the science value of this experiment.
