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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Speaking of Countertops (WAS: Color coordinated kitchen "stuff"?)

On Sat, 21 Jun 2008 12:09:10 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\""
> wrote:

>Wayne Boatwright >
86.120: in
>> Under most circumstances, they are relatively unbreakable. I don't
>> have a set of Corelle, but I do have multiple plain Corelle fruit
>> bowls that I use to feed out five cats when they're served canned
>> food. I don't like feeding them out of metal or plastic containers.

>I use ceramic bowls. Found a bunch at the Dollar store. I also bought a
>bunch of ceramic bowls at Petco that were on close out. They were marked
>down to 75 cents each. I don't know about metal but plastic will cause
>those pimply things a cat will get on it's lips and face. Plastic harbors
>bacteria. I've never had the problem but the vet was telling me about it
>once. I was using metal bowls then and immediately changed.

Some pet stores carry nice ceramic cat "bowls" that are basically a
flat plate/saucer with an upturned edge of maybe an inch, probably

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West