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notbob notbob is offline
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Default What's happening to me?

On 2008-06-21, sf <> wrote:

> He's caring for his mother... the woman of many appliances.

No kidding. Many never used. I found a new Toastmaster waffle iron
(American pattern), but it's malfunctioning right out of the box. The
pre-heat light doesn't light when hot, so the iron just keeps getting
hotter. I can make waffles on it, so am perfecting my waffle recipe.

She also has a brand new deep fryer and a brand new bread maker. I've
already snagged the new ice cream maker. She claims she doesn't have one,
so I say it's mine. Now, to toss some of the mummified foods in the deep
freezer (she has two) to make room for the freezing cannister. That's why I
was asking about canned peaches. She stockpiles those, too. I want to try
the bread maker, a vert model. Any suggestions on prefab mixes? I'll start
with a couple of those before trying a home-made recipe.
