Backyard pit
mark wrote:
> On Jun 7, 9:55 pm, "Paul Zentmyer" > wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>I have a concrete charcoal pit in the backyard and was wondering how to
>>cover it in order to smoke a pork butt. It's a monstrosity with a grill rack
>>in front over the charcoal pit area and a smoke stack on the back. I like to
>>grill on it and plan to update it with stone work sometime in the future.
>>But I just want to find some way to smoke meat on it. Any help would be
> It would think it would simply be a matter of finding some type of
> container to set over the meat so that the smoke can get trapped in
> the area surrounding the meat. A large disposable aluminum tray from
> the grocery store?
The smoke has to flow over the meat, not be trapped around the meat. Still,
this comment is basically valid - with the exception that the pit cover should
contain at least a 3" (preferably a 4") chimney.