Thread: Juneteenth!
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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Juneteenth!

Kathleen wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Sat 21 Jun 2008 10:14:44a, George Shirley told us...
>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Sat 21 Jun 2008 05:51:43a, Kathleen told us...
>>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri 20 Jun 2008 10:19:51a, Kathleen told us...
>>>>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>>>> No, I wouldn't. However, I see no reason why whites would
>>>>>>>> necessarily celebrate the end of slavery. We weren't slaves.
>>>>>>> Not *then*. But it's certainly a scourge that might have spread
>>>>>>> based on various bogus racial or socio-economic standards.
>>>>>> I doubt that would have ever happened in the South where black
>>>>>> slavery predominated and there was far more racial distinction than
>>>>>> class distinction.
>>>>> But what happens when racial lines blur? There were slaves whose
>>>>> fathers and grandfathers were white.
>>>> For many years I believe there was a law that a certainly very low
>>>> percentage of "black" made you totally black. This was true long after
>>>> the Emancipation.
>>> It was certainly true in New Orleans until well into the Twentieth
>>> Century. White and black could not marry, even if the so-called
>>> "black" had only 1/64th black blood.

>> Yep, that's the fraction I couldn't remember.

> I guess the modern day equivalent would be the Cherohonkee - a white
> person with a teaspoonful of native american blood going around wearing
> buckskin, beads and braids.

Yeah, what was that perfesser in Colorado who was adopted by some tribe
and then wore the costume. I think he ended up getting fired for
plagiarizing someone.

I'm one-quarter Cherokee, one-quarter Choctaw, and one-half English and
I just look and dress like the average white southerner. Don't speak any
Native tongues at all. My NA ancestors never were on a reservation and
went white way back when. Seemed an easier way to survive in the white
European world.