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Becca[_2_] Becca[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 649
Default Lemongrass

George Shirley wrote:

> We've got a clump growing out behind the greenhouse that's been there
> about ten years IIRC. Seldom use it anymore but we've given starts away
> by the hundreds. Local Vietnamese family runs, of all things, a Cajun
> restaurant. Offered them some lemon grass as they mentioned they had
> been buying it in a nearby city. They jumped on the deal and now have a
> lot of it growing behind the restaurant.

In the Houston area, my lemongrass grew without a problem. Here in
Louisiana, it is was 5 degrees colder over the winter, and it died back.
It grew back in the spring and it looks great.

One of the golfers, driving by on the cart path, asked me if it was
Pampas grass.
