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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Fried rice methods

(Phred) wrote in news:6c74lmF3fgqdbU1

> G'day mates,
> I thought I was going to have to ask for fried rice recipes because my
> ISP has been playing silly buggers; but either they've come to their
> senses, or I've lucked on a solution, and I can "browse" once more.
> However, having "browsed" via a Google search I'm left with a
> fundamental question about fried rice. (Akin to the egg problem in
> "Gulliver's Travels" :-).
> Namely: Does one cook the eggs *first*, then add them back later in
> the process; or does one add them *during* the process, just before
> the rice is chucked in?
> The several recipes I checked out suggest the former has the edge
> (about 3:1 in my small sample) but that may just be due to cultural
> bias because my googling originated in Oz.
> Without wishing to start a new war of the endians, would anyone care
> to comment on their preferred approach to cooking fried rice dishes?
> Cheers, Phred.

I take the leftover cooked rice and stir in a egg or two. then go on
with the cooking. So the egg is added to the rice before the fried rice
is attempted.


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