Thread: Juneteenth!
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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Juneteenth!

"George Shirley" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Try looking around the rest of this old earth. Slavery still runs rampant
> in some countries, primarily in Africa. Some Arab nations didn't free
> their slaves until 1962 but kept them on as unpaid servants as they "were
> to old to turn loose without a job." There are still slave markets running
> today, none I know of in the US or any of the other Western nations.
> Skin color has nothing to do with it, the Romans and Greeks enslaved any
> captives and bought and sold them on the open market. The Spanish
> enslaved, raped, and murdered, untold thousands of Native Americans in all
> of the Americas where they were. Native American tribes enslaved other
> tribes people. It appears from history that slavery was the norm for a
> very long time. I would certainly hope that mankind is enlightened enough
> to not enslave others but wouldn't bet on it around the world.

I'm not ignorant of any of this and know of slavery situations going on in
many places not so far from me. Ukrainian, various Africans and some
Albanians are tricked into coming to Italy or to other countries for jobs as
models which turn out to be prostitution. They take their ID from them and
threaten their families remaining at home. It's a very large part of the
Caribinieri duties to find the perpetrators and get rid of them.

As a citizen however I would fight it in the US even harder. As someone who
generally admires Wayne, I really wanted clarification.