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Lin Lin is offline
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Default OT -COOKING FOR OLD FOLKS was What's happening to me?

On Jun 22, 1:39 pm, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:

> I'm glad you are in a position to help your mother out like you do. I
> expect to be there one day taking care of a parent(s) and then eventually
> I'll be taken care of. It's wierd sometimes. I suppose, not to be corny
> but it is, that is our life cycle.

That made me smile thinking about the life cycles. My middle daughter
(I have four) has always joked that I better be nice to her because
she is the one taking care of me in my old age -- and she can pick
where I will spend my final years! None of the other girls have even
joked or committed to taking care of me, though I suppose it's more of
not wanting to face the inevitable end of my days.

Fortunately, longevity is on my side so there isn't any rush deciding
what to do with me. My maternal grandmother is 90 and still going
strong. Really good genes on that side of my family. Besides, I have
Bob and we take pretty good care of each other.
