Thread: Juneteenth!
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Becca[_2_] Becca[_2_] is offline
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Default Juneteenth!

Bob Terwilliger wrote:

> I have an acquaintance who is 1/64th black; she routinely marks her
> ethnicity as African-American on job applications and applications for
> public benefits. She believes it gives her an edge.
> Bob

One of my clients, I won't mention their name <*cough*Coca-Cola*cough*),
called me in for a meeting to see if we could figure out a way that I
was not Caucasian. They wanted me to sign a document, saying that I was
part hispanic, black, native American, etc.

Some people might get the idea, that they were trying to show that they
were hiring minorities, without actually doing so. I am not claiming
they were doing that, I am just saying that some people might see it
that way. I did not sign the form, and I kept them as a client. Each
year we went through the same song and dance.
