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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Fried rice methods

aem > wrote:

> Restaurants do often make it ahead, do you doubt that?

For the most part, yes. The cheap-assed, $4.95 lunch-plate
restaurants where you and Shelly eat make it ahead of time so when
you order your combo plate with and egg roll and your choice of
fried rice or plain rice, they have a scoop to give you.

But any respectable Chinese restaurant does not make it ahead. And
does not serve ice-cream scoops of rice.

> Some of them
> use little or no egg, don't you know that? Certainly some use only
> yolks because they have other uses for the whites, don't you?

Bullshit. If they used just yolks it would disintegrate in the
prep. You're just making this up. Anybody else ever seen just egg
yolks in fried rice?

> If your goal is to make things "just like the restaurants," you need
> to raise your standards.

Perfecting the various kinds of fried rice dishes like the (real)
restaurants is not easy (*). Like I said, you must eat at shitty

(*) My favorite is the fermented fish and chicken fried rice. You
of course won't find that at *your* restaurants.
