Some different, for me, spices
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Marquis Hodes
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Some different, for me, spices
On Sun, 01 Jun 2008 08:56:40 -0700,
>If you've had any experience with either of these spices I'd sure like
>your expertise on what to use them for.
>The Karangsari is a frim paste shaped into a block. It contains
>peanuts, palm sugar, chili, citrus, hysterix leaves, tamarind, garlic
>and salt says it's an Instant peanut salad dressing. I'm assuming I'll
>add some hot water to a chunk of it.
>The Zatar I've used before I really like it on chicken and seafood.
>It's a powder containing thyme, sumac, citric acid sesame salt.
>I haven't been creative with this and can't figure out what to do
>other than season chicken and seafood.
>Yes I know GIMF but you guys are so much better.
>updated 6/1
>"There is no love more sincere than the love of food"
> George Bernard Shaw
We like Zatar bread, purchased at Middle Eastern stores, which is a
kind of flat, non-pocked pita coated with olive oil and zatar and a
bit of salt. My sons love it as a dip for bread with extra-virgin
olive oil, salt and a small bit of freshly ground black pepper. It is
great on Lebeneh (yogurt cheese) - take the cheese, form into balls
about 1 1/2 - 2 inches in diameter, put into a non-reactive container
and marinate for a few days, or more, in olive oil. Serve on warm
pita. There are red and green varieties - the red has added sumac
powder. The Israeli version, my favorite, has hyssop substituted for
the thyme.
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Marquis Hodes
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