Thread: Moussaka
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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Moussaka

"zxcvbob" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Wife and I ate at the Greek restaurant today after church. Ordered some
> kind of "deluxe sampler for 2" dinner. One of the items was moussaka,
> which I've eaten before but never at a restaurant. It was good, but a
> little strange; it had thinly sliced red-skin potatoes in it along with
> the eggplant, I didn't taste any cinnamon, and the bechamél sauce on top
> was a vivid orange color.
> What did they put in it to make it orange? Saffron and a little tomato
> paste maybe? And is it normal to have moussaka made with potatoes and no
> cinnamon? (maybe Greek moussaka is different than Turkish, is different
> than Egyptian, is different than...)
> Bob

Potatoes are quite ordinary, although peeled. The orange colr has me
stymied and I can't think why the bechamel would be colored. Sometimes the
fat is colored, but the bechamel?
