modom (palindrome guy) wrote:
> NY Times article:
> Money quote: "Though a Marlin .30-30 rested by his knee, Mr. Kennedy
> had no intention of firing a shot. Cornering a hog was the job of the
> bay dogs, Toby and Buck, the bitch Fire and the pups, Whopper and Nub.
> Then the hunters would release the catch dogs, Josie and Roadie, to
> hold down their prey. Next it would fall to Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Watson
> to restrain the hounds and tie the hog. If all that failed, if a hog
> broke loose and went careering toward the road, the older men would
> make the kill with the rifles."
> --
> modom
> ** Posted from **
Sounds a whole lot like any hog hunt in the south. Been on many a one
when I was a kid. Nothing like a nice fat, acorn fed hog in the fall.