Thread: Daytime Emmy
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Daytime Emmy

On Mon 23 Jun 2008 05:01:33a, Woolstitcher told us...

> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 6.120...
>> On Mon 23 Jun 2008 04:36:00a, Woolstitcher told us...
>>> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
>>> news >>>> Woolstitcher wrote:
>>>>> "Pennyaline" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> Rachael Ray won a daytime Emmy for her talk show.
>>>>>> I suppose this means that if I pack myself into a sausage casing,
>>>>>> affect a leering grin, bray heedlessly into the ether, flail my

>>>>>> and arms hither and yon and behave like a idiot with my audience and
>>>>>> guests, I can be a star too!
>>>>>> I suppose.
>>>>>> <oprah's got my back>
>>>>> ugh, at least that fundy bitch from the View didn't win.
>>>> I unintentionally got caught in the Daytime Emmy Awards traffic mess

>>>> Hollywood Friday. Going for lunch with a friend, and besides the

>>>> Hollywood traffic and road repairs, it was just awful. Then we
>>>> discovered that it was Emmy Day. And we were going to lunch in the
>>>> Kodak complex on Hollywood Boulevard, where the show was happening

>>>> night. Finally got to the restaurant, not far from the "red carpet",
>>>> and while waiting for our orders two of the cameramen and the video
>>>> controller for the show, that I know from working with them, checked

>>>> to wait for a table. One of them thought my friend and I were working
>>>> the gig, too, and gave us some friendly shit about us old guys "still
>>>> working". Anyway, travel in that part of town was just impossible.
>>>> And it was about 100 degrees F with a bad air conditioner in my
>>>> friend's car.[1] Whew! Great salad, though. Oh, and the
>>>> girl-watching was just supurb.
>>>> [1]Around 6PM I saw a bank thermometer sign saying it was 111.
>>> That sounds like fun well, but for the 111F part. I don't think I
>>> could take that kind of heat.

>> Think of it as Cleveland at 90F and 95 relative humidity. :-)

> Now, that's not very nice
> back to cooking .... At least I could get my solar oven to work at 111F.

Believe me, I know. I lived in Cleveland for 43 years.

The past week in Phoenix has not had a day under 112°F. It is now 5:00
a.m. and it's nearly 90°F. already.

I think I will have a nice cold salad for lunch.

Wayne Boatwright
Monday, 06(VI)/23(XXIII)/08(MMVIII)
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Dead Gym.