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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default OT -COOKING FOR OLD FOLKS was What's happening to me?

"jmcquown" > ha scritto nel messaggio

> Mom's secondary insurance carrier won't pick up anything towards assisted
> living or nursing home care until Medicare has covered the first 30 days.
> Along with that, the cost was something like $2000/month for a shared
> (with a complete stranger!) "apartment" - 2 small bedrooms, a small living
> room and very basic a kitchenette. Ridiculous.

I think you'll find that it's fairly reasonable compared to other areas. It
all depends on how much watching they do, of course. If they don't see her,
they'll for sure check up. I think the first month is on you if they don't
accept Medicare and then Medicare wìll reimburse you for the share it covers
which probably isn't all of it.
> Yes, there's a Meals on Wheels in the area. When/if it gets to the point
> where I have to go back to TN I'll be making those arrangements.
>>> I also think she's depressed but when I mention it she says she's not
>>> going to take another pill.


The problem with adding an anti-depressant pill is I they aren't an
over-the-counter med. I'd have to take her to the doctor (a fight in
itself) and she'd vehemently deny being depressed. He may prescribe
something despite her protests but I think he'd have to tell her what it's

Not in so many words, and hardly anyone says, "I'm depressed!" and gets
pills. The doc knows what to ask to find out. Gerontologists have a whole
different language. He would probably say something like, "This will help
you get things done" or something. They know how cagey to be.

BTDT and it costs us $4000 a month.