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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Tipping. Rehashing and old subject

"Giusi" > wrote >>
>> The only thing to do is tip people individually from that point on.

> How are you going to hunt down 6 to 10 people who served, cleared, asked
> to give them some little portion of youyr 20%?

That is not what I meant, and is certainly not necessary. As I said in
post to this thread, you leave your 25% (for excellent service, it was 20%
twenty years ago) on the table, and tip the maitre d'hotel individually if
you so wish. The rest of the people (bartender, busser) are tipped out by
the waiters, usually 10 to 20% of their total haul for the night.

And what portion? That's why
> restaurants have it worked out beforehand and why I wonder how the head
> waiter got away with this, since he must pick up the folder a lot of the
> time. Strange he should stiff the same person twice without giving the
> staff a clue what he was doing.

Nobody can force a waiter to share tips or be honest about what he or she
made for the night. Not the client's problem.