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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Creamed chipped beef recipe?

Ken wrote:
> Anyone have a favorite creamed chipped beef (SOS) recipe? I prefer the
> was Stouffer makes it but that is quite expensive for a couple of ounces
> - two skimpy meals. I looked in my old 60s JOC but the recipe ingredients
> didn't look like those I am used to. My much newer JOC doesn't have a
> recipe, or if it does I can't find it.
> I'd prefer to get a recipe here from someone who has tried it. I've been
> disappointed with several web site recipes I've tried.
> Also, where do they keep the dried beef in the supermarkets these days? I
> haven't seen it for years. Used to be near the sausage and packaged lunch
> meats. Maybe I just didn't notice carefully enough.
> Ken

The last I found was in little jars similar to the Kraft cheese in a jar
type. It was pretty expensive, don't remember the price but it was high
for the couple of ounces you get. A simple white gravy has always been
the way I've prepared it.