Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Mon 23 Jun 2008 05:53:40a, Woolstitcher told us...
>> I don't know how you do it. While I really hate living here ... I'm not
>> sure that I would like living there any better. At least there isn't
>> snow there. Salad, good idea.
> We tend to live a "reverse" seasonal schedule that you do in Cleveland.
> When we lived there, apart from the daily grind of going to and from work,
> most of winter days were spent in indoor activities except for the
> occasional forays to go ice skating, or something of that nature.
> Here we spend most of our summer days inside avoiding the heat. Early
> mornings and most evenings are quite tolerable. The rest of the year is
> generally wonderful.
> I wouldn't trade our climate for going back to snow country for anything.
Of course, in some [ahem] areas, you can ski in the morning and surf in
the evening. Or replace one of those with "go hiking in the desert", if
you prefer.
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