Creamed chipped beef recipe?
Goomba wrote:
> George Shirley wrote:
>> At least once a week we had SOS (use your imagination), aka chipped
>> dried beef on toast, for breakfast in the Navy. That was about up to
>> 48 years ago, they probably don't serve it anymore. The other oddity
>> was fried bologna, baked beans, and hard boiled eggs for breakfast.
>> Only ran into that on one ship I was on. Luckily young men will eat
>> about anything so it went over pretty good.
> It took their mind off the abstinence, I imagine?
Not much abstinence in that bunch. The two ships I served on were in and
outers. Leave port at 0700 back at 1600, running anti-submarine
exercises. Sometimes out for a week, once or twice for a month or more.
Peace time stuff training to fight the Evil Empire.