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Virginia Tadrzynski Virginia Tadrzynski is offline
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Default Tipping. Rehashing and old subject

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
. ..
> Billy wrote:
>> On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 17:35:20 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>> wrote:
>>> The waitstaff said they were stiffed. What the hell is wrong with
>>> letting them know there was a tip and to take it up on their end?

>> YOU don't know the conditions set forth with their hiring. There are
>> MANY restaurants that POOL tips and they are divided at the end of the
>> shift. Employees are not stupid and they know what is going on. You
>> weren't there no more than I was there to witness the event.

> So why are the staff claiming Ginny's party stiffed them if that
> was business is usual. You're not making sense. Besides, if they
> think they didn't get a tip from Ginny's party, and Ginny's party did
> leave a tip, nothing wrong with them knowing that.
> nancy

The end result I believe was that 'the source' was let in on the fact that
indeed there was a tip, in fact a rather sizable tip, left and it went
'AWOL' before the others saw their cut of it.....and this establishment is
one where the server gets the tips left for them, not pooled at the end of
the evening to be shared by those who never laid eyes on you. The reason I
asked was a number of you guys have worked in food service and I was curious
as to your response. The kid who spilled the beans about what the situation
also indicated that the servers thought something was fishy regarding this
head/maitre'd, but whenever a question arose it was brushed aside as the
staff was 'jealous' of the h/m job and position. It was if they didn't want
to rock they boat they were encouraged (by the h/m and the night manager -
who hired him) to believe they were stiffed.

I think this query may have stepped on Billy's toes. Have we been taken
in the back room and upended to empty your pockets lately, Billy?