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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Fried rice methods

"Phred" wrote

> My main criticism of the effort is that I didn't get any nice brown
> crunchy bits in the rice. Probably just not using enough heat and too
> much stuff in the pan. But it still tasted pretty bloody good! :-)

Hi Phred! I've been watching part of this thread and found it interesting.
Thought I'd toss in my own version of 'fried rice' which is *not*
traditional but quite tasty. Doesnt make brown crunchy bits but you could
cook it longer for that I think.

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05

Title: Xxcarol's Fried Rice
Categories: Xxcarol, Rice
Yield: 2 Servings

2 c Leftover sticky rice
2 tb Butter
3 tb Olive oil
3/4 c Chopped brocoli
1/2 c Chopped califlower
2 ts Patis

This is a fast fix with much variation possible. I make this very
rarely so MM'd this one based on what I had handy. We had a big
lunch with a good 9oz each of seafoods. The rice was the leftover
parts mixed with a bit of shrimp that was used to stuff a squid. I
wasnt even remotely hungry yet again, when the 'child alarm' went
off. (Mom, whats for dinner? ARGH!).

So, I looked in the fridge and what did I see? A container of rice
with shrimp bits galore! I spied also a platter of veggies, about to
expire, and so the meal was about to be true epicure!

Toss the butter in a frying pan, with the oil and the veggies, and
then grab the leftover rice and dump it in. Sprinkle Patis (fish
sauce) and if you like, just before done, add a raw egg and stir it

This version isnt meant to be cooked til 'starting to brown' but is a
very fast 4 mins max meal. Ok, I'm guilty. There's a 'Walking with
Dinosaurs' show about to start that I havent seen yet! We both wanna
watch it.

Optional additions: Millions in other recipes, but for this butter
mix think of black olives, butter beans, green beans as perfect.

Serve with: Iced Tea, Apple juice, or if a kid 'milk rulz'!

From the Sasebo kitchen of: xxcarol 11Sep2005