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The Mad Mayo Kisser! The Mad Mayo Kisser! is offline
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Default Heinz UK Pulls Mayo Ad Showing Two Men Kissing...

[So I guess in this case "It's Adam + EVE - not Adam + Steve (sqwertz,
lol)..." And this bein' *** Pride Month 'n all...!!! I thought the ad
was cute, who would complain!? - Greg Morrow ]

Heinz pulls ad for mayonnaise showing 2 men kissing


"LONDON - Heinz Co. said viewer complaints prompted it to pull a British
television advertisement for mayonnaise that showed two men kissing.

The ad for Heinz Deli Mayo depicted a kitchen scene involving two children,
a father and a male deli cook with a New York accent, whom the children
addressed as ''Mum.'' At the end of the ad, the cook kisses the father as he
leaves for work.

The Advertising Standards Authority said it received 202 complaints, some
that said the advertisement was offensive, inappropriate and unsuitable for

Heinz said the ad was withdrawn because of ''consumer feedback.'' Spokesman
Nigel Dickie said Tuesday that the company apologized if it had offended

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly complained about the advertisement on Friday
during his show, ''The O'Reilly Factor.''

''I just want mayonnaise. I don't want guys kissing,'' he said. British ***
rights group Stonewall said it was shocked that Heinz had yanked what it
called an ''innocuous'' ad and urged *** consumers to boycott the company.

The ad, which was launched on British television just over a week ago and
was meant to run for five weeks, was taken off the air Friday, Heinz said in
a statement released Monday.

The ad did not run in the U.S..."
